Bless the Blue - Holiday Meals
Our Law Enforcement Officers work 24/7/365, which means they are often away from their families for all major holidays. We provide meals for on duty police personnel on major holidays.
Projects & Initiatives

Police Officer Wives of Arizona
An opportunity for police families, LEO spouses & daughters, women in law enforcement, dispatch & first responder support services to grow in spirit through service projects, good food, activities, first responder animal assisted peer support, and positive comradery!
-Spouses of current & retired police/law enforcement officers
-Women in law enforcement, dispatch, corrections,
crime scene & support services
-Law Enforcement daughters, granddaughters & mothers/mother-in-laws

Bags for Badges
Following a serious critical incident, we provide a heartfelt care package to the involved officer, their spouse, children, and parents to decompress and help alleviate the acute stress from the event.

Official Affiliate for the State of Arizona of the National Police Wives Association N.P.W.A
Strength & Shield is greatly honored to be the official affiliate for the state of Arizona for the National Police Wives Association.

First Responder Animal Assisted K-9 Peer Support
We are proud of our official partnership with Bishop's Mission! Helping provide impactful K-9 assistance to first responders, and their families during CISM certified peer support after serious critical incidents.

Police Dispatch Support
During National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Week and throughout the year we remember law enforcement dispatchers through our "Doughnuts for Dispatchers" initiative.

Annual Blessing Breakfast For First Responders & Elected Officials​
We are proud to officially partner & Co-Chair with 4Tucson for the Annual Blessing Breakfast for First Responders and Elected Officials every January.